Class-Two, Subject-English, Set-2

Class – 2                 Sub –  English                  Time  – 2:00 Hours            Marks – 80

Tick the correct option. (6Marks)

i.) Which of these items did the merchant not sell?

a.) Food item                   b.)Cloth                  c.)Soap                   d.)Medicines

ii.) Why did the donkey get tired?

a.) Because he had to carry a heavy burden on his back.

b.) Because he was old and weak.

c.) Because his master did not give him enough food.

d.) Because he did not sleep well.

iii.) What happened to the bag of salt?

a.) The master carried the bag to his village.

b.) It fell on the ground.

c.) It mixed in the water of the stream.

d.) It was sold to another merchant.

Fill in the blanks with “this” or “These”. (10Marks)

a.) _____________ is the picture my sister painted.

b.) _____________ are my friends Farhan and Seema.

c.) _____________ is the BBC world service broadcasting from London.

d.) Hello, _____________ is John Speaking.

e.) _______________ are my crayons and those are yours.

Find the opposites of each of these words from the story. (8Marks)

a.) Day _______________

b.) Push ______________

c.) In _______________

d.) Slowly __________________

Complete the sentences. (6Marks)

a.) Julia and Phillip live on the farms by the ___________________.

b.) Phillip wants to go ___________________ hunting on the beach.

c.) Kingfishers love hunting for _______________.

What do you call these people? (10Marks)

a.) A person who delivers milk ________________.

b.) A person who mends leaky taps. ________________ .

c.) A person who mends shoes. ___________________ .

d.) A person who takes care of the garden _______________.

e.) A person who guards our locality __________________.

Circle the actions which the following can do. (10Marks)

a.) FISH                                   SWIN                    BURN                 TICKLE

b.) MONKEYS                   TWINKLE               FLY                      JUMP

c.) SHIPS                               SAIL                        WALK                PLAY

d.) HANDS                          LAUGH                    CLAP                   TALK

e.) ELEPHANTS                  ROAR                      BLEAT             TRUMPET

Write the adverb form of these adjectives. (12Marks)

a.) Bad ________________                    d.)Slow ______________

b.) Sad _________________                   e.) Happy ____________

c.) Angry  _______________                  f.)Quiet  _______________

Write down the comparative and superlative forms of the adjective following adjectives.                                                                                                     (10Marks )

                 Positive                                             Comparative                              Superlative

a.) Noisy

b.) Beautiful

c.) Clever

d.) Old

e.) Light

Match the group names to the names of the animal. (8Marks)

a.)Gaggle                                                     i.)Lion

b.)Litter                                                      ii.)Birds

c.)Flock                                                      iii.)Puppies

d.)Pride                                                      iv.) Geese

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